

As important as it is to fight for science-based solutions, we can’t create and defend these solutions unless our democracy is working for all of us. That’s why we’re working to make our elections fairer and more inclusive and to help ensure that all voices are heard. By developing and advocating for commonsense reforms to strengthen our democracy, we can make science-based solutions more achievable and less likely to be stymied by powerful interests.


As important as it is to fight for science-based solutions, we can’t create and defend these solutions unless our democracy is working for all of us. That’s why we’re working to make our elections fairer and more inclusive and to help ensure that all voices are heard. By developing and advocating for commonsense reforms to strengthen our democracy, we can make science-based solutions more achievable and less likely to be stymied by powerful interests.

We envision a participatory democracy in which all of us have a voice to create a better future. In which communities facing threats to their health and safety can use the democratic process to address those threats.

But recent changes are too often weakening our democracy. 人 in underserved communities across the United States are actively being disenfranchised through laws and policies that make it harder to vote and to allow their voices to be equitably heard.

新的投票限制, 一些选区, 对选民和选举官员的威胁, and even violent attempts to overturn election results have placed our democracy in grave danger.

617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐中心将这些线索联系起来, promoting reforms that strengthen our democracy and make science-based policymaking more possible.


Just as science is needed to help develop policies that are effective, a healthy democracy is needed to ensure that they are fair. 当一些声音被排除在这个过程之外, it becomes easier to make decisions that serve narrow interests rather than the public good. 在617888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐中心, we work for reforms to our democracy that can make our elections fairer and more inclusive and can help ensure that all voices are heard.


作为我们加强517888九五至尊娱乐517888九五至尊娱乐的一部分, we’ve convened an Election 617888九五至尊娱乐 Task Force of leading election experts from around the country, 包括现任和前任选举官员, 社会617888九五至尊娱乐家, 律师和投票权活动家. We’re bringing the tools of science to the process of holding elections, developing science-based recommendations to make voting district maps fairer, 选举 数据更加透明和可访问, and to design ballots that are simpler and more accessible for voters. By pushing for these changes, we’re working toward freer and fairer elections. 

